Huntsville Basketball Celebrates Senior Night 2024
Ethan Wade was escorted by April Wade, Dallas Wade and Bo Ashley McClure.
Kouper Shepherd was escorted by Kendall Shepherd and Angela Shepherd.
Isaac Reeves was escorted by Forest Montgomery, Tonya Montgomery, Billy Reeves and Kate Reeves.
Kobe Ogden was escorted by Gary Ogden and Christal Ogden.
Kayden McCubbin was escorted by Rebecca McCubbin, April McCubbin, Jerrod McCubbin and Rodney Webster.
Justin Jatios was escorted by Amy Usrey.
Brady Bolinger was escorted by Trisha Bolinger and Shaun Bolinger.
Mena Thomas was escorted by Rowdy Thomas and Phillip Thomas.
Morgan Limson was escorted by Raelyn Limson, Jamie Limson, Terry Limson and Taylor Limson.
Stefany Hale was escorted by Betty Hale and Steve Hale.
Dixie Emmot was escorted by Shayla Scott and Preston Scott.
Carlie Tuttle Bailey was escorted by Brandon Tuttle and Carla Tuttle Bailey.